Checkweigher prescriptions
Here you can find the Italian and European reference norms for the checkweighers and for dynamic weigher system with particular reference to the premanufactured products.
Automatic Standard Checkweigher
- Directive 78/1031/CEE of 5 December 1978 for reconciliation of the legislation of the member states about automatic standard checkweigher (G.U. series L n. 364 of 27 December 1978)
- D.P.R. 23 August 1982, n. 834 of accomplishment of the 78/1031/CEE directive
- D.P.R. 23.08.1982, n. 846- Accomplishment CEE 75/410 directive about weighing instrument continuous totalizator
- D.P.R. 12.08.1982, n. 799 - Accomplishment CEE 71/347 directive about weighing measurement of electrolytic cereal
- D.P.R. 2.02.2007, n. 2004/22/CE related to measure instruments
Net weight
- Law 05/08/1981 n. 441 Net weight selling of goods
- D.M. 3 august 1985. tare weight peripherals
- D.M. 18 June 1986 modify of D.M. 3.8.1985
- D.M. 13.12.1988, n. 344322 - Other disposition
- C.M. 07.12.1995, n. 454233
- 75/106 Directive Premanufactured volume of some liquids
- 75/107 Directive. Bottle measurement
- 76/211/CEE Directive of 20 January 1976 council, reconciliation of the legislation of the member states about premanufacturing in weight and volume of some premanufactured packaging
- D.L. 3 July 1976, n451 Accomplishment of 75/106 e 75/107 directive
- Law 19 august 1976, n.614 of conversion in Law of D.L. 451/76
- 78/891/CEE Directive of Commission of 28 September 1978, which conform to technical progress attachments to 75/106/CEE directive and 76/211/CEE of council in premanufactured packaging field
- Law 25 October 1978, n. 690 of accomplishment of arrangement of internal directive of Europe Community council n. 76/211/CEE relative of the premanufacturing in weight and volume of some premanufactured packaging
- D.M. 27 February 1979 modify of attachments of 690/78 Law
- 80/232/CEE directive of 15 January 1980 council, reconciliation of the legislation of the member states about nominal quantity and nominal capacity admitted for some products and premanufactured packaging
- D.P.R. of 26 May 1980, n. 391 on metrological regulation of premanufactured in weight and volume of pre-package of different type from CEE
- D.P.R. 23 August 1982, n. 825 of accomplishment of the 78/891/CEE directive
- D.P.R. of 23 August 1982, n. 871 of accomplishment of the 80/232 directive (CEE) relative to nominal quantity and nominal capacity admitted for some products and premanufactured packaging
- D.M. del 12 June 1985 modify of nominal quantity and nominal capacity admitted for some products and premanufactured packaging provided by D.P.R. 26.05.1980, n. 391 for some premanufactured packaging products
- Legislative ordinance of 25 January 1992, n. 106 of accomplishment of 88/316/CEE directive about pre-conditioning of volume of some liquid in premanufactured packages
- D.M. of 16 January 1995, n. 70 Regulation modify to D.P.R. 26.05.80, n. 391 and subsequently modifications about premanufactured packaging and nominal quantity and nominal capacity
- D.M. of 29 July 1999 adjustment of some technical disposition provided by D.P.R. 26.05.80, n. 391 and subsequent modifications, about premanufactured packaging and nominal quantity and nominal capacity
- D.M. 14 May 2001 adjustment of some technical disposition provided by D.P.R. 26.05.80, n. 391 and subsequent modifications, about pre-packaging of volume and weight of pre-package of different type from CEE
- Ordinance of 6 November 2001 on the method for the determination of the drainer weight in the premanufactured alimentary ichthyic products
- C.M. 19.09.1995 n.453369 - Autorization of statistical control procedure
- C.M. 17.04.1996 n.551189 - Autorization of statistical control procedure
- C.M. 29.05.1996 n.551689 - Group Specification
- C.M. 21.11.1996 n.553160 - Destroying control
- Guides, recommendation and technical norms (EN 17025 for general requirements for testing and tare laboratories, EN 45501 for metrological aspects of non-automatic weigher instrument)
- Guide of requirements of software instrument based on the proposed directive of "instrument metrology"
- OIML Recommendation (International Organization of Legal Metrology)
- Provisions of admission to verification emitted from the D3 Office (former Office Center them Metric) on distributors of fuels, balances and other types of instruments
- Proposal of directive of the European Parliament and the regarding Council the instruments of measure (MID)
Metal detectors alimentari
